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When should high-visibility clothing be worn?

Author: Geoff

Apr. 07, 2024

18 0

## Q&A.

1. When should high-visibility clothing be worn?

2. Why is high-visibility clothing important?

When should high-visibility clothing be worn?

3. What are some examples of high-risk situations where high-visibility clothing is crucial?

## Answer.

1. High-visibility clothing should be worn whenever there is a risk of not being seen by others, especially in low-light conditions or in high-traffic areas.

2. High-visibility clothing is important because it helps individuals be easily seen by others, such as drivers, machinery operators, and colleagues, thus reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. This type of clothing is often fluorescent and has retroreflective tape to increase visibility in various lighting conditions.

3. Examples of high-risk situations where high-visibility clothing is crucial include construction sites, road work zones, airports, warehouses, and outdoor recreational activities such as cycling or running at dusk or dawn. In these environments, workers or individuals are often exposed to moving vehicles or heavy machinery, making it essential to wear high-visibility clothing to enhance their visibility and safety.

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