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The Science Behind Teeth Whitening Gel Strips: How Do They Work?

Author: Helen

Apr. 18, 2023

124 0

Tags: Business Services

Teeth whitening gel strips are a popular and effective way to whiten teeth, but have you ever wondered how they work? Here's a closer look at the science behind teeth whitening gel strips.


What Causes Teeth to Stain?


Before we can understand how teeth whitening gel strips work, it's important to understand why teeth become stained in the first place. There are many factors that can cause teeth to become discolored or yellowed, including:


Aging: As we age, the enamel on our teeth can become thinner, which can cause the underlying yellow dentin to show through.


Diet: Certain foods and drinks, such as coffee, tea, red wine, and soda, can stain teeth over time.


Tobacco use: Smoking or chewing tobacco can cause teeth to become yellowed or brown.


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Medications: Some medications, such as antibiotics, can cause teeth to become discolored.


How Do Teeth Whitening Gel Strips Work?

Teeth whitening gel strips work by using a chemical process to break down stains on the surface of the teeth. The active ingredient in most teeth whitening gel strips is hydrogen peroxide, which is a bleaching agent. When applied to the teeth, the peroxide penetrates the enamel and breaks down the stains, making the teeth appear whiter and brighter.


The peroxide in teeth whitening gel strips works by releasing oxygen molecules, which react with the stains on the teeth. This reaction breaks down the chemical bonds that hold the stain molecules together, causing them to become smaller and less visible. As the stain molecules break down, the teeth appear whiter and brighter.


Teeth whitening gel strips typically contain a lower concentration of peroxide than professional whitening treatments, which makes them safer and more convenient to use at home. However, it's important to follow the instructions carefully and not leave the strips on for too long, as overuse can cause sensitivity or damage to the teeth and gums.



Teeth whitening gel strips work by using a chemical process to break down stains on the surface of the teeth. The active ingredient, hydrogen peroxide, penetrates the enamel and reacts with the stains to make them less visible. While teeth whitening gel strips are safe and effective, it's important to follow the instructions carefully and not overuse them to avoid sensitivity or damage to the teeth and gums.

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